Nursing clogs

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Come and discover our large choice of hospital clogs


Girodmedical has selected for you a wide selection of hospital clogs such as Schu'zz medical shoes or those of the Mediplog brand. In our selection, you can find models for women but also for men. These shoes are mainly intended for medical staff (such as nurses or caregivers). But these medical shoes can also be used by people working in beauty or care institute.


We offer several models with classic or even more fanciful designs including Schu'zz globule hooves that can be very colorful. You can find different types of hospital shoes. We offer you a wide range of shoes but especially diversified models so that you can find shoes which fits you perfectly.


Why do you have te wear hospital shoes?


First of all, in most hospital, medical footwear is part of the “proper dress requirement”. But they are especially recommended for hygiene, because if you wear the same shoes outside and inside the hospital, you can carry germs.

For your safety and that of the patients you must therefore buy a pair of washable hospital clogs. Because as you can transport germs from the outside to the hospital, the reverse is also valid.


If you don’t have shoes dedicated to your work when you’re in contact with patients, unintentionally you could carry germs from the hospital to your home, which can sometimes be dangerous. Furthermore, if you do not have shoes adapted to your professional environment, you may fall because you can walk on tiles or on a floor that may be watery. Block hooves have been designed to improve your personal comfort, as walking continuously and standing for a long time makes you more likely to have a sore foot and/or back. These hospital clogs are the solution you need.


What are the advantages of medical clogs?


Shoes for hospital has several interests. They have been designed to optimize your working conditions, they are not just part of your outfit, they have been designed to meet your needs while improving your working conditions.

Indeed, these nursing shoes are:


- Easy to put on and take off, it saves you time when you have to put on your work clothes.


- Pleasant to wear, they ensure an optimal comfort throughout your day, they allow you to reduce your pain in the feet and sometimes even the back.


- A protection for your feet, they are equipped with an anti-odor system and they are antibacterial.


- Very light which adds to your personal comfort and allows you to move around all day without feeling pain in your feet or back.


- Non-slip, they prevent you from falling if you walk on watery ground.


- Easy to maintain because they have the advantage of being completely machine washable at 50°C.


- They meet strict and rigorous hospital standards.


- Anti-shock, impact resistant and does not leave traces on the ground.


What is the choice between perforated and non-perforated hospital shoes?


It exists a great deal of model of medical shoes, which allows you to find the pair which suits your profession, your needs and especially your desires. Girodmedical proposes you moreover several models:


- Clogs not drilled, which offer a total protection at the level of front of your feet.


- Clogs drilled, which improve the aeration of your feet thanks to its small holes placed almost everywhere on the shoe.


- Sneakers, these models are similar in one tennis with perforations, they allow a complete preservation of your feet (model intended for the women).


- Mules, with this model your feet will be less covered than with the previous models (model intended for the women).


The choice of your medical clogs will depend of the domain in which you work. Indeed, if you work in an environment such as hospitals or in operating blocks, you will have to wear medical clogs which are not drilled, this model which protects the front of your feet. It allows to avoid any risks of penetration of worn or dangerous body (such as syringes) because contrary to the other models, there is no perforation of the clog. If on the contrary you are never in the block and that you know that there are few risks that some things fall on your feet, we advise you the nursing shoes. In the hospital, it is recommended to choose a pair of medical shoes of the color white.

If the rules allows it, you can energize your outfit with more colorful and original models with patterned nursing shoes.


On the other hand, if you work in body care settings such as beauty centres, wellness areas or animal grooming centres, you can choose between perforated and non-perforated sanitary footwear.


You can express your creativity by choosing a more original pair in order to brighten up and bring a little pep to your work outfit.


It is important to wash your pair regularly to always keep a good hygiene and avoid any risks especially in the hospital environment.


Girodmedical offers you a very wide choice of hospital shoes so that you can find the pair that suits you. In our selection you can find many models of hospital shoes for women, block hooves, medical sneakers (tennis), mules but also models of hospital shoes for men.